Saturday, September 24, 2011

It's Getting Cold Out There

This week has been extremely challenging. Being back at work for almost a month and I am on the brink of exhaustion. I stopped driving to work this week and actually started taking bart because the drive (with traffic and crazy SF drivers) was getting to be too much for me.

Mason caught a little cold and was waking up around 3:30 to 4:00 AM every single day and it took over an hour to get him back to sleep. By the time he fell asleep, I would have to get ready for work. So now on Saturday morning, my husband and I are exhausted and barely had the energy to eat our breakfast and trek over to Costco to stock up on food.

I am thankful that my little boy is feeling much better though. We even got to go out last week for a quick family dinner and Mason was able to try on Fall/Winter hats. I'm starting to feel the cold Fall air in San Francisco so we bought him a couple of hats to protect him from the weather.

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